Simbarashe Kuvhengurwa Simbatto profile

Simbarashe Kuvhengurwa Simbatto


BuilderBricklayerPaverPainterGutter SpecialistCarpenterWaterprooferTilerCeilings & Partitions Specialistview 7 more
3 reviews


BuilderBricklayerPaverPainterGutter SpecialistCarpenterWaterprooferTilerCeilings & Partitions Specialistview 7 more

Work photos



Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Building services

Feedback  I have hired him to build a house for me and the work has been done professionally well. He has been the one who built it and did all the tiling, painting, plastering, and ceiling installation. I'm happy with the work that he has done for me. Everything was professional. His services are highly recommendable. I have no complaints about the work that he has done for me. Everything was professional.

Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Renovation services

Feedback  Friday has worked with me when I called for his help. He has helped me with plastering, painting, and roof repairs. I'm happy with his services. He was quick and did his work effectively. He knows what he does when it comes to the services I called him for. His services are quite good and recommendable.

Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Painting and tiling services

Feedback  When I needed some minor renovations at my house he helped me with his services. He repainted the interior of my house and tiled the place. The work was done outstandingly well and is happy with it. He gave me a reasonable quotation for the job to be done. He is skilled in this field. There have never been callbacks. I recommend his professionalism.

About Me
Simbatto construction. Reg 2019/410896/07.we also fix and supply to beloved customers.whatsup for 24/7 .0784918838
Company Details
Call out fee: 350
Number of employees: 3 - 5 employees