kandua generator

Is It Time To Get A Generator?

Are you one of the many South Africans that have to find a solution for the dreaded reality of daily loadshedding? If you can’t afford solar panels and need to run more than an inverter allows, have you considered a generator?

Advantages of using a generator include:

💡Continuous power supply: generators can provide a continuous power supply, ensuring that essential systems and appliances remain operational.

💡Improved reliability: generators can improve reliability by providing a backup power source in case of a power failure or loadshedding.

💡Increased efficiency: some modern generators are designed to be more fuel-efficient, reducing operating costs.

Does a generator require maintenance?

Generator maintenance is essential to the proper functioning of a system, while also minimising the risk of accidents, damage, and more costly repairs down the line. Additionally, routine maintenance helps to ensure that your generator will run smoothly and efficiently during loadshedding. Here are a few tips:

✔️ Keep the generator clean and dry: clean the generator regularly to prevent the buildup of dust and debris. This will also help maintain proper ventilation for the engine.

✔️ Check oil levels: regularly check the oil level of your generator and add oil if necessary. This will help maintain the proper lubrication of the engine.

✔️ Test the generator regularly: regularly test your generator to make sure it’s in good working order and to identify any potential problems early.

✔️ Check fuel levels: make sure you keep the generator’s fuel tank topped up to prevent fuel-related issues.

✔️ Replace air filters: regularly replace the air filters to maintain the proper air-fuel mixture and to prevent damage to the engine. 

✔️ Perform regular maintenance: one of our Kandua pros can help with this.

⚠️ Store fuel properly ⚠️ Store fuel in a safe and proper manner, away from heat and open flames, to prevent fires and fuel-related issues.

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Suzette Meyer is the lead author and content creator for Kandua.com, South Africa’s #1 marketplace for home services. She researches and writes the Kandua Advice articles, Cost Guides, and the Kandua Email Newsletter, drawing on the expertise of Kandua’s base of over 40 000 pros across more than 100 services, and the data gathered from the 100 000+ home service projects facilitated through the platform.

Home improvement can be daunting, and it is often difficult to find out if you are paying a fair price for your products and services. Suzette has made it her mission to help homeowners with advice on all aspects of home repair, maintenance and improvement, including how to choose the right handyman and how to make smart upgrades that improve your resale value or save costs.

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