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Find the best demolishers pro in Cape Town

What kind of work do demolishers do?

  • Demolishers are usually involved when a building needs to be brought down, whether it is because it has become unsafe (e.g. after a fire or significant neglect) or because the site needs to be cleared for a new construction project.
  • When you think of a demolisher, you may think of a large project involving heavy earth-moving equipment. This is certainly not the only kind of work that demolishers do - many will also undertake small scale projects such as demolishing walls or rooms as part of a home renovation.
  • Demolishers also clear construction sites of rubble, debris and bushes.
  • Demolition companies may reclaim construction materials for recycling or resale from demolition sites.
  • Some demolishers offer swimming pool demolition services.
  • If there are hazardous materials on a site, specialist demolition companies can be tasked to clear the materials and make the site safe.

What your demolisher needs to know about your job

  • What is the access to the site like? In some cases, demolishers need to bring in heavy equipment. This is especially important if the site is part of a complex.
  • What needs to be demolished? How tall and big is the structure and what is it made of?
  • Are there any hazardous or potentially hazardous materials on the site?
  • Are you expecting to keep or reclaim any material?
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Good day, Rubble to be removed from the following Site in Rustenburg. Will you please send me a quote ASAP. Below site name with Co-ordinates 7255 Paardekraal Anglo Platinum Rustenburg -25,651572 27,302567 NSB GF I also have a Picture of the rubble to be removed Thank you,
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