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Paintless Dent Removal Pros in Durban

Paintless Dent Removal Pros in Durban

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Find the best paintless dent removal pro in Durban

How does paintless dent removal work?

  • Paintless dent removal is a method used to repair a dent without using paint or fillers - they merely reshape the panel. Specialist tools are used to press and massage the dent from the back of that particular panel. This will restore the panel to its original shape, maintaining the manufacturer’s original finish.

The benefits of paintless dent removal

  • Cheaper - paintless dent removal is cheaper than ordinary dent repair as the metal is merely worked back into its original shape.
  • Retains value - any damage does cause a drop in value for your car, however, normal dent repair uses touch up paint and fillers. This is what reduces the value of your car. Paintless dent repair maintains the factory finish of your vehicle.
  • Quicker repair - because no colour matching or paint is required, it is a lot faster to have your vehicle repaired, so you can get it back sooner.
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