Jabu Mqiti Themba profile

Jabu Mqiti Themba


BuilderElectricianBathroom SpecialistPainterTilerBricklayerPaverWaterprooferview 6 more
3 reviews


BuilderElectricianBathroom SpecialistPainterTilerBricklayerPaverWaterprooferview 6 more

Work photos



Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Plumbing, bathroom renovation

Feedback  I have known and worked with Jabu for the past fifteen years. He does plumbing jobs like bathroom renovations, drain installation, water extensions and geyser installation. He is very reliable and trustworthy. He always does exceptional work. He is professional and neat. He uses his own tools and he always cleans up after the job. He is well spoken and good at following instructions. He does not need to be managed at all because he is very experienced. He is really good.

Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Plumbing

Feedback  Jabu does the plumbing for my company. He is really good at being punctual. His work is neat and tidy. He is professional. I have never had any problems with him. He is very reliable and honest. His prices are very affordable. He had great communication skills. He uses his own tools. He cleans up after the job. I never had comeback or complaints about his work. I recommend him.

Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Plumbing

Feedback  Jabu worked for me. He used to do all my plumbing jobs. He is very reliable and good at being punctual. He is very trustworthy and loyal. He is really quick at doing his job. He is professional and really good at what he does. He knows how to do his job. He is neat and tidy. He cleans up after each job. He uses his own tools. His prices are very affordable. I recommend him.

About Me
Themba has been too busy on the job to fill this out.
Company Details
Number of employees: 3 - 5 employees