Kudzai Makamure Panda profile

Kudzai Makamure Panda

Appliance Repairer

IT SupportHandymanData Networking SpecialistBuilderBricklayerFencing SpecialistBlinds SpecialistBathroom SpecialistGutter Specialistview 7 more
3 reviews

Appliance Repairer

IT SupportHandymanData Networking SpecialistBuilderBricklayerFencing SpecialistBlinds SpecialistBathroom SpecialistGutter Specialistview 7 more


Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Fixing computers

Feedback  I hired kundai to come and fix desktop computers at my office. There was a problem with computers making them not to perform well and he managed to fix everything. He is very good and knowledgeable about computers. He is also very punctual because I would find him waiting for me at the office. His prices are good and I highly recommend him

Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Accounting

Feedback  I hired him to do bookkeeping and accounting stuff for me. He is good and knowledgeable and he is a proffessional. He meets deadline and will go an extramile to finish his work. He was also working overtime. In terms of his cost prices he was way too affordable and I recommend him

Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Printer fixing

Feedback  I was having problems with my printer at home, it was refusing to print. I hired Kundai to fix it and it started working perfectly. I had never had problems with the printer ever since he fixed it. He did a good job and I was very happy. Furthermore, he is a negotiable guy and his prices are therefore affordable. I recommend him

About Me
We are are an appliance repairs business specialising in fixing, upgrading, updating and advice of PCs, frodges, aircons washing machines, stoves, ovens and all othet related issues.
Company Details
Number of employees: 3