Sabatha Mabaso profile

Sabatha Mabaso


BuilderInterior DesignerPainterBathroom SpecialistHandymanBlinds SpecialistFencing SpecialistGutter SpecialistBricklayerview 7 more
3 reviews


BuilderInterior DesignerPainterBathroom SpecialistHandymanBlinds SpecialistFencing SpecialistGutter SpecialistBricklayerview 7 more

Work photos



Tidiness, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Value, Workmanship

Description  He drafted a plan for me.

Feedback  He did a very wonderful job, he offers excellent services, there are no follow-ups, no comebacks, everything went well, he is always available, he can assist anyhow, it was a quality job he did for me and I would recommend his services to other people.

Tidiness, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Value, Workmanship

Description  He did some planning for my house.

Feedback  He offered me very good services, his communication skills were very good, he is very professional and his work is of good quality, I have no complaints and I have been recommending him to other people.

Tidiness, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Value, Workmanship

Description  We were working on a project on a property.

Feedback  His services are quite good, he delivered at quite a reasonable price, he was on point, high quality of work and up to standard, I would recommend him.

About Me
S.T.K Designers & Developers is a multi-disciplinary company which is comprised of Town Planning, Architecture, Construction and Property Rate. S.T.K Designers & Developers is keen at it's holistic approach in design while still optimizing scarce availability of resources.
Company Details
Call out fee: R850.00
Number of employees: 12