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Termite Control Pros in Rosebank

Termite Control Pros in Rosebank

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Find the best termite control pro in Rosebank

Termites in South Africa

  • Subterranean Termites - these termites rely on mud tunnels to survive and their colonies can grow to two million members. These termites find their way into a building through expansion joints between the foundation and the walls. They then travel through the bricks, up the wall and into the roof. This is the reason they often go unnoticed until the damage has already been done.
  • Drywood Termites - these termites are just as destructive as the subterranean counterparts, except they do not need soil to survive, they rely on dry wood which provides plenty of food for their colonies. They work their way across the grain and through wood leaving damage as they go.

How do you treat your home for termites?

  • Unlike other pest control services like cockroaches or rodents, termites require professionals to do some investigation work.
  • Once identified a chemical termite barrier can be put in place. This method involves applying a liquid chemical to the soil, either under concrete flooring and/or around the entire perimeter of your building’s foundations. This method lasts up to 5 years.
  • There are also chemical-free methods, but these can be discussed with your pest control specialist.
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