How Much Is An Electrician Call Out Fee?

South African Average Hourly Rate R450
Price Range R350-R600
Top level Electrician R600
Mid level Electrician R350

South African Average Hourly Rate R450
Price Range R350-R600
Top level Electrician R600
Mid level Electrician R350
Emergency call out R450 – R700

Electrical needs differ from home to home as well as homeowners. Whether you want to install a new plug point, change the lighting in your home, or wiring a new home, you need to hire a reliable electrician. You always want to be sure that you are hiring a trustworthy professional. All Kandua listed electricians have been background checked, vetted, and reviewed. Ensuring you’ll get the best quotes for an electrician call out fee.

What You Need To Know About Electrician Costs

The cost of hiring an electrician depends on various circumstances. Here are a few factors you need to consider. There are generally two ways that electricians might bill. One is an hourly rate or a call out. This will only include the labour costs involved in completing the job. The electricians will charge additional line items and materials separately. Some electricians add the labour costs into the line items and charge as a whole.

Three things that might affect an electrician hourly rate:

The job – How simple or complex the electrical job is. The materials needed to execute the job as well as the time and labour needed to complete the job. Smaller jobs that can be completed in the first hour of the call out using the tools an electrician has on them, the less the job will cost. The more intricate electrical jobs such as rewiring of houses or installations of smart homes the higher the price as it involves more labour as well as materials.

Experience – The more experience an electrician has, the more they are likely to charge. Their skill, expertise, and knowledge are worth more than someone who only has half the experience. An apprentice electrician will be able to handle the smaller tasks such as installing light switches and dimmers, or connecting elements for geysers. Complicated jobs require electricians with expertise and knowledge. That is why these types of tasks cost more.

The Distance – The transport costs are usually worked into the electrician hourly rate. The distance from the electrician to the job could affect the electrician call out fee. Electricians travelling from Pretoria to Johannesburg, for example, might charge a higher call out fee. This is why it is always recommending searching for electricians in your area. Areas we service: Johannesburg electricians – Pretoria electricians – Cape Town electricians – Durban electricians.

What To Verify When Hiring An Electrician

Credentials: Make sure the electrician that you hire has all of the necessary credentials and qualifications. There are various certificates electricians need to be able to practice. You are well within your rights to ask for these. The electricians listed on Kandua have all been vetted and background checked.

Multiple Quotes: The cost to hire a reliable electrician may vary from professional to professional. It is always better to get more than one quote so you can compare the quotes of each electrician call out fee you receive.

Reviews: Ask for references from electricians you are considering employing. This will give you an idea of the quality of electrician you can expect. It also gives you a guide to the work ethic of the tradesman. This is very useful when making your decision. The electricians listed on Kandua have received top rated reviews from the community.

Expertise: Make sure the electrician has the experience needed to complete the job you have hired them for. If it is a simple job then you can most likely hire a junior electrician and a senior one for more complicated jobs.

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Top 5 Ways To Save Electricity and Cut Your High electricity Bill

Energy Saving Bulbs – These save you money as they last longer and use lower amounts of energy reducing your electricity costs.

Run full loads – Only do a load of laundry or dishes when it’s full. This means fewer loads and less electricity used, therefor less money spent.

Light Timers and Motion Sensors – These allow you to only use lights and electricity when you need it. Such as lighting up the entrance to your home at night.

Hang dry your laundry. If you do large loads of laundry a week and use your clothesline to dry 50% of those clothes, you could save R100s on electricity.

Light Dimmers – These emit as much light as you need when you need it which ultimately reduces the amount of electricity used.

These are some of the most popular areas in Gauteng for hiring Electricians:

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