Cool Kruger Air profile

Cool Kruger Air

Fridge and Aircon Repairer

Appliance RepairerAppliance Repairer
4 reviews

Fridge and Aircon Repairer

Appliance RepairerAppliance Repairer


Tidiness, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Value, Workmanship

Description  He installed an air conditioning system in my bedroom.

Feedback  They are very good service providers and their workmanship is very good. They were very professional and they did the installation very neatly. They came on time when i called them and they did their work efficiently too. Its been a while and the air con is still working perfectly fine. They were very friendly and polite. Their price was very also very reasonable. There were absolutely no issues with them and i can recommend them to anyone.

Tidiness, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Value


Cost  R4500 labour only

Description  Thembelani Ncube and his team installed 3 Air Con Units at our house in Bromhof

Feedback  WARNING: Beware of this company. The owner Thembelani Ncube installed 3 units for me. None of them worked within one day. He refused to come back on site to check the problems and has run away. We lost a lot of money as the job has to be done again. WARNING

Tidiness, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Value, Workmanship

Description  They did air con installations for us.

Feedback  They did very good work for us. They came very quickly when called them and they did their work efficiently. They were very reliable and professional. They know they work very well, they got the job done very quickly and left. They also worked very neatly. The whole service was very impressive and the air cons are still working very fine. Their prices were quite good and their service is certainly recommendable.

Tidiness, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Value, Workmanship

Description  They did air con maintenance work for us.

Feedback  They did a great job for us. They were very professional and they know their work very well. They came on time when we called them, they did what they were supposed to do and in a very efficient manner. They also worked very neatly but quickly too. Their price was very good for the work they did. I can't fault them on anything and i can recommend them to anyone.

About Me
Cool Kruger Air has been too busy on the job to fill this out.