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Pet Sitters in Kempton Park

Pet Sitters in Kempton Park

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The easy way to find a Pro4.7Average rating

Find trusted, affordable pet sitter services near you. Answer a few questions and Kandua will get you quotes from the best pet sitters available.

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Pet Sitters on Kandua are all qualified. Ensuring the highest standard of work, we double check references of previous work.


Each service provider is reviewed by people in your community. Our pet sitters hold 4.5 stars on average.

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  1. Tell us what you need - Simply answer a few easy questions
  2. Get free quotes - You'll be contacted by the best Pros near you
  3. Choose the best Pro - Compare quotes and review
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Find the best pet sitter in Kempton Park

How To Hire The Best Pet Sitter Near You

  • The first step is a no brainer. Make sure the pet sitter you hire actually loves pets and equally, make sure your pets are also comfortable with the pet sitter. Try and set up a little meet and greet before you leave your pets with the pet sitter to make sure your pets are in good hands.
  • Make sure you interview and get quotes from more than one pet sitter in your area. Spend some time reading reviews of potential pet sitters. Different pet sitters will charge different rates and when it comes to your pet’s security and well being there is no cutting corners.
  • Communicate clearly and openly with pet sitters. Explain to them exactly what you want from them and give them as much information about your pets as possible. This will help them understand the task better and will help you get a better gauge of the type of person they are and if they are the right fit.

What Questions Should You Ask Your Pet Sitter

  • What experience do you have handling animals?
  • What type of animals are you most comfortable with?
  • What does a typical petting sitting job look like to you?
  • Do you have your own transportation?
  • Are you comfortable with pets of all sizes?
  • How would you handle a pet that is misbehaving, uncomfortable or generally being difficult?
  • Are you available on short notice?

Tell us what you need


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10 Recently Hired Pros

4.66 ★ from 31 reviews

Jabu  profile picture
Pet Sitter, Bricklayer, Handyman +7 more
3 reviews
Usually 14.4km from Kempton Park
I always recommend him to a lot of people because he is a very good guy and he knows his work very well. He is very creative and his designs are very beautiful. He uses very good quality material and he also does the installations very neatly. I have known him for a long time now and i know he is a very reliable person and he always keeps his promises. He listens to what how like the work to be done and he does exactly that. He is very honest and he never tries to over charge you.
in Germiston, Germiston
T  profile picture
Pet Sitter
3 reviews
Usually 17.6km from Kempton Park
I used Tapiwa to do pet sitting for me. He is professional, hardworking, and always arrived to work on time. His prices are reasonable, he does the work accordingly, and he is friendly. His charges are reasonable, and I recommend him to others.
in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Jakes/ Ruan Wessels  profile picture
Jakes/ Ruan Wessels
Pet Sitter
3 reviews
Usually 24.8km from Kempton Park
He was taking care of my kitten who just turned one. Each time I was going out, I would call him to come and stay with my kitten and he would feed my kitten. He is very good with animals and his prices are very good. I highly recommend him. He is reliable and tidy.
in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
William Dafter  profile picture
William Dafter
Pet Sitter, Painter, Waterproofer +5 more
3 reviews
Usually 29.8km from Kempton Park
Lucky is our handyman he is very good and brilliant at what he does . He gets on with the job and is generally a nice person he has done alot for me basically gardening, painting, and handyman jobs. I do find him efficient, always on time, and happy Lucky doesn't sulk when you give him work to do or supervise him all the time I'm satisfied and will definitely recommend him
in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
SHEPHERD NCUBE  profile picture
Pet Sitter
4 reviews
Usually 25.1km from Kempton Park
I have made use of his services a couple of times, and I am always happy with his work. Shepherd is the one who maintains our fish pond at the office. He is a reliable service provider, and I can recommend his services.
in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Precious  profile picture
Pet Sitter, Specialist Cleaner, Mobile Hairdresser
3 reviews
Usually 23.1km from Kempton Park
Sithembinkosi cleans some offices for me. I have used her for more than two years without encountering any problem. She is professional, reliable, and manages her team well. Her prices are reasonable, she works neatly, and there were no complaints. I recommend her to others.
in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Elizabeth Kolana  profile picture
Elizabeth Kolana
Pet Sitter
3 reviews
Usually 28.4km from Kempton Park
Elizabeth is a good pet sitter. Her work is fantastic as she is very nurturing and she loves pets as well. Elizabeth is timely because she always shows up to work on time, in addition, her prices are favorable.
in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Patrick  profile picture
Pet Sitter, Handyman, Painter +7 more
3 reviews
Usually 34.6km from Kempton Park
I have used his services a couple of times, and he has never disappointed me. I own 3 dogs, and Patrick is the one who grooms them. He is very good at what he does, which is why I prefer using him all the time. I find him to be a trustworthy person because most of the time, I leave at my house, and I have never missed anything. Patrick listens and follows instructions, and I can confidently recommend him to others.
in Randburg, Johannesburg
Noma /precious  profile picture
Noma /precious
Pet Sitter, Bricklayer, Painter +7 more
3 reviews
Usually 32.2km from Kempton Park
I was renovating my house and she came and she did the painting, floor tiling and paving on my drive way. She was very professional and she did everything that I asked her to. The price was very reasonable and negotiable. She did exactly what I asked her to do and I was impressed with the service that she rendered to me. Her workmanship was beyond average and I highly recommend her.
in Cosmo City, Roodepoort
Nomagugu Moyo  profile picture
Nomagugu Moyo
Pet Sitter
3 reviews
Usually 25.8km from Kempton Park
I used Nomagugu to take care of my cat. She is quick to respond, came on time, and works professionally. Her prices are reasonable, she took good care of the cat, and I recommend her to others.
in Johannesburg, Johannesburg

Other pet sitter requests on Kandua

I am looking for somebody to basically babysit my dogs while I am out on Saturday. The time frame would be 10h30 to 18h30. They are both large breeds (lab cross and GSD cross) and low maintenance. Please WhatsApp me availability and price.
in Kempton Park
im looking for a house/pet sitter for period 26 Dec to 2 January. i live in glen marais, kemptonpark contactable references please
in Kempton Park
Looking for someone reliable and trustworthy that I can hire longterm
in Glen Marais, Kempton Park