Ernest profile


Fridge and Aircon Repairer

Fridge and Aircon RepairerAppliance RepairerAppliance Repairerview 1 more
4 reviews

Fridge and Aircon Repairer

Fridge and Aircon RepairerAppliance RepairerAppliance Repairerview 1 more

Work photos



Tidiness, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Value, Workmanship

Description  He installed an air con for me

Feedback  He was good and very professional, he was also always on time and honest. I didn't have any complains regarding his services and I can highly recommend him. His prices are reasonable and he cleans up after himself.

Tidiness, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Value, Workmanship

Cost  R400

Description  Regas aircon

Feedback  Did Great Job

Tidiness, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Value, Workmanship

Description  He assisted me with repairs and servicing of my Aircons at home.

Feedback  Ernst just got on with the job, very skilled and good communication.

Tidiness, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Value, Workmanship

Cost  R7000

Description  Inserting sumsung air condition.

Feedback  No need for supervision

About Me
Ernest has been too busy on the job to fill this out.