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Fridge and Aircon Repairer

Fridge and Aircon RepairerMechanicAutomotive ElectricianAppliance RepairerAppliance RepairerAppliance Repairerview 4 more
3 reviews

Fridge and Aircon Repairer

Fridge and Aircon RepairerMechanicAutomotive ElectricianAppliance RepairerAppliance RepairerAppliance Repairerview 4 more


Tidiness, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Value, Workmanship

Description  He fixed my car air conditioner.

Feedback  A good man with a good character, I used to have a problem with my car air con, since he fixed it I don't have any issues and it has been months. Very affordable and convenient.

Tidiness, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Value, Workmanship

Description  He is one of the guys who do air conditioning for my clients if I have a project.

Feedback  I have used his skills and expertise for over 5 years, and I still recommend his services to anyone who is looking for a dedicated repairer.

Tidiness, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Value, Workmanship

Description  He repaired my broken air-conditioner.

Feedback  I was satisfied with what he did, since he left after the fix I don't have a faults with my air conditioner. He is good at what he is doing.

About Me
I do motor vehicle air conditioning and I'm situated at 53 Prince George drive grassy park
Company Details
Number of employees: 2