Thembinkosi profile


Fridge and Aircon Repairer

Security SpecialistGarage and Gate Motor SpecialistAppliance RepairerAppliance RepairerGarage and Gate Motor SpecialistAppliance RepairerGarage and Gate Motor Specialistview 5 more
4 reviews

Fridge and Aircon Repairer

Security SpecialistGarage and Gate Motor SpecialistAppliance RepairerAppliance RepairerGarage and Gate Motor SpecialistAppliance RepairerGarage and Gate Motor Specialistview 5 more

Work photos



Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Aircon services

Feedback  He is one good aircon installer I have been working with for some time now. He has proved to be well knowledgable about his job. The last time he worked with me was when he installed an aircon in my house. I was very happy with his neatness when doing the job. He is always right on time as to the scheduled time. He works without supervision. I will always use him in the future and for that, I can't hold back recommending him to other people.

Fridge and Aircon Repairer

Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Fridge and aircon repair services

Feedback  I have hired him to help me with the repair of a KIC refrigerator. He flashed the system and refilled gas. He did not take long to complete the task. The charges were reasonably fair. The refrigerator is now working perfectly fine. He is quite good and knows what he does. I recommend him.

Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Aircon services

Feedback  I have used him several times after I was referred to him by a friend. The last time he worked for me he installed two aircon for me at my workplace in an office. He was quick and precise to do the work. I provided the aircon and he offered me labor which he charged a reasonable amount. I was so impressed with how he did his work and left my office spotless. I recommend his services

Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Aircon services

Feedback  Thembinkosi helped me with an aircon installation at my house. He did not take long to complete the job and did it neatly. It has been working ever since and I have not called him back to redo something on it. I'm happy with what he did for me and would recommend his services. His charges are reasonable.

About Me
Thembinkosi has been too busy on the job to fill this out.
Company Details
Number of employees: Less than 3 employees