Dinen profile


Fridge and Aircon Repairer

Appliance Repairer
3 reviews

Fridge and Aircon Repairer

Appliance Repairer


Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Fridge and air con repairs and installations.

Feedback  He installed three air conditioners for me, repaired my fridge and some gutters as well. He has always shown up on time each time I needed him and he is the one who does the general servicing for the air conditioners as well. He is reliable and I have never had any problems with him or with his work. His prices are good and I do not have any complaints. I can definitely recommend him to anyone who may need his services.

Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Air conditioner services.

Feedback  He is the one who services my air conditioners. I have always relied on him only because he is trustworthy and I have never had any problems with his work. His prices are very good. His workmanship is great and I highly recommend him.

Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Installation of air conditioners.

Feedback  He installed two air conditioners at my house and he is the one who services them every now and then. He is always on time and he is very professional. His prices are very good and he is very neat and tidy. I can recommend him to anyone who may need his services and I can still use him again.

About Me
Dinen has been too busy on the job to fill this out.