Mavunela Proud Sibanda profile

Mavunela Proud Sibanda


Solar Specialist
3 reviews


Solar Specialist


Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Electrical Work

Feedback  He has been my go-to electrician for almost a year now. He assists me with all the electrical maintenance of my business and residential properties. Proud is a very good guy, he does his job perfectly and he takes great pride in his work. He is always available for all our appointments and he has never disappointed me. His rates are very much reasonable for the work he does. I would not hesitate to recommend him to others.

Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Electrical work

Feedback  I have used him a few times to do the electrical installation at our offices as well as my house. I was really happy and satisfied with his work and I do not have any complaints. His work is always up to standard and his pricing is very affordable. Overall, the service is good and reliable. Would strongly recommend him to other people.

Tidiness, Punctuality, Workmanship, Affordability, Trustworthiness

Description  Electrical work

Feedback  Proud is a very good electrician, extremely knowledgeable and well experienced. I have worked with him for approximately 4 years. He was doing electrical jobs for me and I have always been satisfied with his work. I found him to be very professional, hardworking, trustworthy and punctual. He did not give me any problems and I will recommend his services anytime to anyone.

About Me
Mavunela has been too busy on the job to fill this out.